000410_news@columbia.edu_Tue Dec 13 22:07:07 1994.msg
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From: jw@adasoft.ch (Jamie Watson)
Subject: Re: 3.14 beta 14 and PC/TCP
Message-Id: <D0rs3v.L9K@adasoft.ch>
Reply-To: jw@adasoft.ch (Jamie Watson)
Organization: Adasoft AG, Switzerland
References: <D0n8CD.Gn8@adasoft.ch> <1994Dec11.104027.35139@cc.usu.edu>
Date: Tue, 13 Dec 1994 22:07:07 GMT
Expires: Mon, 12 Dec 1994 23:00:00 GMT
Lines: 41
Apparently-To: kermit.misc@watsun.cc.columbia.edu
In article <1994Dec11.104027.35139@cc.usu.edu> jrd@cc.usu.edu (Joe Doupnik) writes:
> The situation is easy to clarify. SET PORT TCP in Kermit means
>to use Kermit's internal TCP/IP stack. That stack requires either a suitable
>Packet Driver or ODI to talk to the lan adapter. FTP Inc's stack does more
>or less the same thing. You loaded FTP Inc's stack and then told Kermit to
>go to the same board and grab it; you are not running "over FTP Inc's stack."
>I'm surprized that you we able to run Kermit over the board with FTP still
>using all the TCP/IP material.
Sigh. I'm really sorry for having asked such a bonehead question. I read
about this restriction in several different places, but I am obviously
not knowledgeable enough about DOS and networking to have understood what
it really meant. I had assumed that it meant that I couldn't run kermit
and one of the PC/TCP utilities at the same time, but now that I stop to
think about that, it's a pretty silly idea under DOS; I guess it just
shows that my mind has frozen into Unix-based thought patterns. Anyway,
I just tried unloading the PC/TCP stack (inet unload) before starting
kermit, and then reloading it (ethdrv) after terminating kermit, and it
works just fine. Thanks for the help.
> If you want FTP Inc's stack to remain resident and run Kermit
>over the top of it you must use FTP's TNGLASS program, and tell Kermit
This still doesn't work for me, even with Beta-15 installed. I first
tried just "tnglass pan", and it connects just fine. I then tried the
command specified in networks/setup.doc, and found that I had to change
the argument format somewhat to even get it to accept the command, but
it still doesn't work. The command I gave was:
tnglass pan -c 0 -i -e kermit.exe set port bios1 , connect
This starts the tnglass program, and then starts kermit, but it immediately
says "Connection closed". I have tried just starting kermit without the
commands on the command line, then given the bios1 and conect to kermit
myself, but I got the same result. Am I still doing something wrong? By
the way, I am using PC/TCP version 3.0, so that might explain at least the
difference in command line parsing; I assume that the setup.doc file was
written based on PC/TCP version 2.3 or earlier.